Talks Held Between Russia and UK

On May 10, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, held talks with the British Prime Minister David Cameron. Mr Putin expressed that the meeting had focused on important international issues. In particular, Mr Putin stated that "we have agreed to coordinate our approaches within the framework of the G20 and the G8, which Russia and the United Kingdom currently preside over." Mr Putin also iterated that "Russia will take over the presidency of the G8 from the United Kingdom in 2014."

David Cameron stated that he was pleased to receive President Putin's support to use the upcoming G8 summit in Lough Erne to address the challenges in making the world economy work for everyone, supporting international trade, tackling aggressive tax avoidance and tax evasion, and encouraging greater transparency. "We've also agreed to use the G8 and the G20 to build momentum for a WTO deal to cut bureaucracy at borders," Mr Cameron noted. 

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