Government Accountability Office Reports On Prompt Corrective Action Framework

Section 202 of The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010 requires Government Accountability Office to study federal regulators’ use of prompt corrective action (“PCA”). Since 1991, Congress has required federal banking regulators to take PCA to identify and promptly address capital deficiencies at institutions to minimize losses to the deposit insurance fund (“DIF”). The report examines: the outcomes of regulators’ use of PCA on the DIF; the extent to which regulatory actions, PCA thresholds, and other financial indicators help regulators address likely bank trouble or failure; and options available to make PCA a more effective tool. The three options described in the report include: (i) incorporating an institution’s risk profile into PCA capital categories; (ii) increasing the capital ratios that place banks in PCA capital categories; and (iii) including another trigger for PCA, such as asset quality or asset concentration.

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